What Millennials Know that Baby Boomers Don't? June 26, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Update:Do we really NEED a bank account????

Is your bank a pain in the ars at times? Mine was too. Here's
what I did

Hi! and welcome to The Global Community Park!  Last year on July 3rd, I has a lot of administrative problems with my bank.  One of the more frustrating ones was that I'd be vacationing and my debit card wouldn't work. I'd call my bank and they had put a fraud tracking on my account.  I don't mind it at times but, when they overprotect me from myself over and over again, it gets annoying.  Another time I tried to deposit 1,200.00 into the account and the bank teller would not let me deposit cash money.  They said I had to go and get a money order and deposit the money order. I replied, "I can't deposit cash??". She told me no, that I had to get a money order and deposit that. I left the bank, got the money order, and returned to the bank to deposit the money order.  I thought it was ridiculous! Those are some of the reasons I wanted to stop using banks.

So, I tried different types of account that would substitute for a bank account. One was a bitcoin account but the learning curve was ginormous! Another was a prepaid bank card. I received the card from Citibank but I quickly found out after they sent it that I couldn't recharge the card. Was told, after I put $2,000. on to the card that, once the money is gone they said, the card will be no good.  In fact, they told me to destroy it. So, the next thing I tried was a debit card from my stock brokerage account.  They not only sent a bank card, but they sent checks too.  I finally have a way to do banking without belonging to a bank and my life has never been so stress free (at least when it comes to banking).  Everything I can do with a bank, I can do through my online brokerage account.

So, it has been a year on July 3rd, since I got rid of my bank account and I don't regret it one bit.  The only reason I'd would get an account at this time would be to deposit my income into the brokerage account from my bank account which I now don't have.  The good thing about having my brokerage account be my banking account is that I can grow my account (and do grow the account) by trading in the stock market. When I make my money I take it out of the trading account and move it into my brokerage.  I love it. I feel empowered and in control of my finances.

I challenge all who are feeling like they don't control their financial situations to find another way that fits them better. With me, one of the best reasons I like this way of managing my finances is I can do everything online.  When I go shopping, that is when I get my pocket/purse money for the month.  I can also pay for my groceries with my brokerage card. When I go to the mall, I pay with my card as well.  I can control my spending and I'm not charged any monthly fees (also, I get interest for keeping the money in the account.  It's a win-win for me.

I'd encourage you to find your personal financial management program if you're unhappy with your money management situation. I don't know about you but I feel like less of an adult with other people are controlling my financial situations.

So, it took a year but I got my answer, we DON'T need a bank account.  After a year and 10 days, I am proud of myself for taking back control of my money and others are starting to do the same.  The banks had better be careful of all their customers may soon bail!

That's my thought for today.  I hope you are all enjoying your summer!

Now here's a treat for you!
Here's Crystal Dennis covering "MEXICO" by
Carrie Underwood